Friday, July 08, 2005

Batman Begins to Save a Franchise

So we saw Batman Begins on Tuesday, finally. At the risk of sounding cliche, this movie was incredible. Finally the franchise is redeemed from the atrocities of Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. Redemption, thy name is Christian Bale...or Christopher Nolan, or even Cillian Murphy. Initially, Batman Begins looked like it had the potential to become a preachy "look inside yourself for strength blahblahblah" postmodernist paradoxically both feel-good and dark tome; however, these low expectations were blasted out of the water by a well-crafted script focusing on story rather than character development. Psychology be damned, this is about a superhero and the town he fights to protect, not the insecurity-plagued superhero movies so popular these days. Christian Bale shines in the cape and cowl; his stints as both big-budget and indie actor have prepared him well for the character paradox of Bruce Wayne's schizophrenia. Three cheers for Christopher Nolan as well! Katie Holmes is mediocrity at its finest. The Batmobile...ah, the Batmobile. Ugly as sin, and every bit as fun!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Drafts are Beers

Well, it's the color I'd better start getting used to after Raymond Felton and the beloved Sean May were drafted to Charlotte this past Tuesday. Considering that the Bobcats' litter now includes two NCAA Championship All-Stars in a row, plus another starter from this year's championship team, and the first All-Star was named Rookie of the Year, their performance should see a giant rise this upcoming season. Each of these boys (Okafor is one year out of UConn, May and Felton just finished their junior years at UNC) has the potential to earn top-dollar contracts. Charlotte needs to hang onto their new talent now and build a team from these three while they're still a bargain, before they get seduced by the lures of superstardom or bigger checks. Sign long contracts, and hope that the boys pull through, rather than short ones which could be surpassed by other, bigger-money teams. The Bobcats have distinct advantages in attempting to enter the NBA's big leagues - three young, talented individuals, each with leadership skills (especially MAY! <3),>
McCants as a Timberwolf - how appropriate. That Brat Pack may spend more money in court costs than paychecks in the upcoming years considering the tantrums of their lineup: McCants, Latrell Sprewell, and Kevin Garnett? Maybe camps ought to be replaced with Obedience School. I personally like McCants - who couldn't fall for that local boy's grin? - however, his attitude may need to be more controlled if he's going to stay on a primadonna team with major stars like Garnett. Maybe, in the name of uniformity of vision, the 'Wolves could get Bobby Knight to leave Texas Tech? Then at least the charming and well-mannered Bracey Wright would have some former-Hoosier company.
Indiana's draft picks were disappointing, mostly just because no Tarheels became Pacers. Larry Bird will need to find someone to fill Reggie Miller's gargantuan sneakers - and fast - if they want to maintain their competitiveness within the league.